Microsoft has high hopes that Starfield will break records and sales when it comes out this September. With fans buying Xbox Series consoles just to play the game, the hope is that it leads to a new year of record-breaking revenue.
According to the company’s internal forecasts, Microsoft thinks the Xbox gaming division will make a ton of money in Q1 FY24. The belief is that Xbox gaming revenue will increase by “mid-single digits,” which is a five percent increase from this year.
Despite some bad exclusives like Redfall, Xbox reportedly made $3.610 billion in revenues this quarter and that’s expected to increase. If everything goes according to plan, the company will make $3.791 billion in Q1 FY24.
People within Xbox are hoping that the popularity of Starfield will lead to gamers buying more consoles. After buying an Xbox, those same users could also get a Game Pass subscription or simply buy more exclusives. Either way, Microsoft is hoping that Bethesda’s RPG will be the hit their console needs.
The company does have some basis for these hopes. After all, the recent gameplay showcase ended up being Xbox’s most-viewed online show ever. With the game’s hype at an all-time high, we can see why Xbox icon Master Chief was replaced by Starfield in Xbox Series console boxes.
While excitement for this RPG is at an all-time high, fans do have their reservations. Bethesda gives fans plenty of in-game freedom but that usually leaves to bugs and performance issues. Plus, the AMD partnership has soured some PC players since it means certain computers won’t be able to handle it.
Regardless of all that, fans have also shown that they’re excited to play the game. Many of them have claimed that they will be skipping work just to play the title. Others have also tried to pre-order the expensive Constellation Edition, which has fallen victim to scalpers and low stocks.
Read More: Starfield hype is already causing other devs to change their plans
Starfield will be coming out on Xbox Series consoles and PC this September 6.