Apple Vision Pro’s New Launch is Repeating Old Mistakes

An Apple Vision Pro headset on a stand in front of an all-black background
Credit: Apple

An Apple Vision Pro headset on a stand in front of an all-black background
Credit: Apple

Apple has kicked off WWDC 2024 with a bang, unveiling a plethora of new features coming to iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and VisionOS, the operating system for the Apple Vision Pro. Notably, Apple is also celebrating the expansion of the Vision Pro into more countries, although the same pricing issues persist.

Despite mixed reviews for the expensive Apple Vision Pro, it’s hard to deny its standing as one of the best VR headsets on the market. While the Quest 3 mimics some of the Vision Pro's standout features, such as Travel Mode and Spatial video capabilities, it offers them at a significantly lower price. Nevertheless, Apple’s “spatial computing” headset still holds a valuable place in the market, as competition invariably drives innovation.

For those eager to get their hands on the Apple Vision Pro, the wait is nearly over. On June 28, 2024, the headset will launch in China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore. Following closely, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the UK will see the Vision Pro on July 12, 2024, as announced by Apple in a Newsroom post.

Although Apple is expected to offer extensive in-store demos similar to the US launch, the pricing remains a significant hurdle for many potential buyers. In the US, the base 256GB model of the Apple Vision Pro starts at $3,499, while in the UK, the price remains a steep £3,499. Personally, I am interested in the headset for its potential in 3D movie viewing and exclusive games like Marvel’s What If?, despite the hefty price tag, but I'm in the minority.

I may be wrong, but despite the Apple Vision Pro securing over 180,000 pre-orders in the US and being resold at exorbitant prices by scalpers on eBay, I don't believe it will achieve the same level of success in the UK. The ongoing cost of living crisis and the anticipated release of the more affordable Quest 3s make the Vision Pro a tough sell for many, outside of die-hard Apple enthusiasts.

I am excited to finally test the Apple Vision Pro and compare it to the Meta Quest 3, but it’s disappointing that there hasn’t been even a slight price reduction. Many potential buyers may wait for a more affordable version of the Apple Vision Pro or decide not to purchase it at all. Fortunately, the new iPhone Genmojis look pretty fun, so that was a cool announcement.

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