How to Get the ChatGPT Desktop App for Mac

An image of the ChatGPT desktop app for Mac
Credit: OpenAI

An image of the ChatGPT desktop app for Mac
Credit: OpenAI

Looking to enhance your ChatGPT experience on your Mac? Well, OpenAI has introduced a ChatGPT desktop app for Mac that is designed to integrate seamlessly into your workflow, and it’s a game changer.

Previously, we saw the ChatGPT app for Android and iPhone, making it easy to access the AI chatbot. Now, accessing ChatGPT on Mac is just as easy. With a simple keyboard shortcut (Option + Space), you can instantly ask ChatGPT a question.

This guide will walk you through the steps to download and install the ChatGPT desktop app for your Mac. But, before that, you might be interested in learning about the ChatGPT 4 Turbo model.

How to Get the ChatGPT Desktop App for Mac

You can get the ChatGPT desktop app for your Mac by downloading the installer from this link. Please note that OpenAI must enable server-side access to the macOS app for your account to use the desktop app.

To install the ChatGPT desktop app on your Mac, you must first enable the installation of apps from unknown sources. To do this, go to System Settings > Privacy & Security, then scroll down to the Security section.

If you receive the message "You do not have access to the desktop app yet" after installing the app and logging into your account, it means that access has not been activated for your account. Give it some time, and check back later.

The OpenAI help section states that they are rolling out the macOS app to ChatGPT Plus users starting on May 13, 2024, with plans to make it more broadly available in the coming weeks. So, if you use ChatGPT Plus, you should get it within a week or two.

Apparently, paid users such as ChatGPT Plus, Team, and Enterprise subscribers will get priority access to the macOS app, while ChatGPT free users will have to wait a bit longer to access the desktop app.

With that, we are wrapping up our guide on how to get the ChatGPT desktop app for your Mac. We hope you found our guide helpful. Before heading off, check out the best ChatGPT alternatives.

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