Xbox Smart Delivery games: The full list of confirmed titles that you only need to buy once, which you can play across Xbox and Xbox Series X

Xbox Smart Delivery games are a hot topic of discussion right now, with Microsoft confirming that its Smart Delivery feature will allow gamers to buy a game once and access it on both Xbox One and Xbox Series X.

You'll even be able to jump back and forth between your Xbox One and Xbox Series X, playing the same game across the generations - which will come in handy if your main console is in high demand!

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If you're wondering which games will make the most of this cool next-gen feature from Microsoft, read on for the full list of Xbox Smart Delivery games that you'll be able to play across the generations...

The full list of confirmed Xbox Smart Delivery games

"Below you’ll find the initial list of new and existing titles that will be Optimized for Xbox Series X and confirmed to support Smart Delivery," Microsoft said in a recent Xbox Wire blog post. Here's the list as it currently stands...

We also expect that some of the games revealed at the upcoming Xbox Games Showcase will be compatible with Smart Delivery.

EA, while not officially working with Xbox's Smart Delivery, will offer players the chance to upgrade the likes of FIFA 21and Madden 21 to next-gen with their Dual Entitlement service.

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What about Xbox backwards compatibility?

Microsoft added, "Please note: this is in addition to the thousands of games you’ll be able to bring with you to Xbox Series X via back compatibility on day one. As this list grows in the weeks and months leading up to the Xbox Series X launch, we’ll keep it updated to reflect any additions."

Likewise, as more Smart Delivery games are confirmed, we'll be sure to let you know!

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