Roku shuts down all products till users agree to their terms

roku logo holding out pen and pointing gun at TV

roku logo holding out pen and pointing gun at TV

Smart TV platform Roku is blocking users from using the app without agreeing to their new terms. Roku, founded in May 2008, has been a popular solution for a smart TV, but users now face the new Dispute Resolution Terms.

Upon launching the app, the statement on the screen says “We've updated our Dispute Resolution Terms. Select 'Agree' to agree to these updated Terms and to continue enjoying our products and services. Press * to view these updated Terms”. There is one massive ‘Agree’ button at the bottom and no option to disagree.

Roku also issued a public statement, “Like many companies, Roku updates its terms of service from time to time. When we do, we take steps to make sure customers are informed of the change

Reports have said that the only way to opt out of the new terms is by sending physical mail. Not an email, a good old-fashioned written letter with a stamp. This method seems to have been chosen to have the least amount of people who go out of their way to refuse to agree to the new policy.

This practice is much like modern gyms, which make it very difficult for you to cancel your online membership. Only people who send the letter to Roku within 30 days can take part in any future lawsuit against the company.

Users of the app un-surprisingly showed disappointment over the way this has been handled. Roku has not provided a grace period where the service can be continued to be used without agreement and is also refusing to refund any customers.

A user commented on an online discussion board saying, “Roku is implementing a revised terms of service agreement. If you don't agree to it, your device is rendered inoperative. When I asked for my money back, since they made the device inoperative they refused.

Roku has not responded to the backlash, and it is unclear at the moment if the company will choose to respond at all. It seems they're ok with getting people to click agree and weather the outcries from users.

Check out our guide on how to fix the Roku network error, and take a look at the best TV deals of 2024 here.