How much will PS5 games cost in the UK? Will Xbox Series X Games be cheaper than PS5 games?

As we slowly approach the launch of next-gen consoles, there is one element that both Sony and Microsoft seem reluctant to discuss- the price.

While we know what the PS5 looks like, and have an idea of the games coming to the console at launch, there are no concrete statements from Sony on how much gaming on the new console will cost.

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However, as we go further into the gaming reveal season, we are starting to get some indication of the prices of PS5 games. Here's all we know...

How much is a PS5 game in the UK?

The predictions of PS5 prices are all based on the upcomingNBA 2K21, currently priced at £64.99 for both Xbox Series X and PS5. This is a £5 increase on the cost of the game for the Xbox One and PS4.

As 2K is one of the largest games publishers around, we wouldn't be surprised if other publishers follow suit.

However, the £59.99 for a PS4 version of NBA 2K21 is on the high end of PS4 games, with upcoming titles such as Ghost of Tsushima and Cyberpunk 2077 currently on available for pre-order for £49.99.

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NBA 2K21 is slated for release on 4 September 2020 for current-gen consoles.

If we follow the trend of next-gen increases, games similar to these may end up costing £54.99 on the PS5.

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Will games cost the same on the PS5 as they do on the Xbox Series X?

As with most multiplatform releases, we expect that games on both next-gen consoles will cost the same amount.

The only difference between the two may come if either of the companies manages to secure a multiplat to launch on Xbox Game Pass or PS Now.

While we don't expect many AAA games to launch direct to a streaming platform, Microsoft or Sony may see an opportunity to promote both their console and streaming service with a cheap offer on a recently released AAA game.

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If this happens, then you'll find yourself saving money on purchasing games. Instead, you will just pay for your subscription costs, although these could rise with the next-gen launch.

Why is the price of games increasing on the PS5?

Gamers have pushed back against the price increases, but this was inevitable given the cost of games has not increased for around 15 years.

Given the cost of development is rising, studios are hoping that the increased price will offset some of these costs.

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