PS5 console design revealed: take your first look at the PlayStation 5 console right here, with the first official images and video of the confirmed PS5 design

Sony has lifted the lid on the PS5, with the iconic tech company finally revealing what the actual PlayStation 5 console will look like. Exciting times, folks!

Sony's previous reveal showed us the PS5 DualSense controller, and now we know what the console next to it will look like on our shelf at home. That is, if the rumoured PS5 stock shortages don't stop us from getting one!

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The PS5 design has been the inspiration for a lot of speculation over the last few months, with fans wondering if it would be black and white to match the two-tone DualSense controller.

But now we can put that speculation to bed, because Sony has revealed the PS5 console design in all its gamer-pleasing glory. Keep reading to clap eyes on the PlayStation 5, finally!

PS5 console design revealed!

Here it is, then, your first official glimpse of the PS5 console...

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Isn't it a beauty? Arguably, that's the most striking PlayStation console design yet.

You can click here to read about its place in PlayStation console design history.

READ MORE: Spider-Man Miles Morales PS5 game revealed

A whole range of PS5 products!

Better yet, during the PS5 reveal event, Sony also confirmed a whole range of PS5 products - you'll be able to buy yourself a matching headset, a camera, and 3D Audio headphones! Take a look at them all below...

RANGE of PS5 products
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PS5 Digital Edition confirmed!

During the PS5 reveal event, Sony confirmed that there will be two different versions of the PS5 for punters to choose from: a normal version of the PS5 that includes a disc drive, and a PS5 Digital Edition that won't have the disc drive!

PS5 console comes with a controller

When you unbox your PS5 on day one, you'll also see a DualSense controller nestled in there.

The DualSense marks another giant leap in the evolution of PlayStation controllers, and we can't wait to get our hands on it. Keep reading to find out all the important details about the PS5 controller.

In other recent news, a developer from said that the PS5 controller could be "one of the best in history," which is one surefire way to take our hype levels to heady new heights!

And here's a fun little update for you: Sony has subtly confirmed with a Tweet that the DualSense PS5 controller will come in other colours! The Tweet included a jet-black controller, which standard in stark contrast to the white and black version that was previously revealed in an official blog.

Paired with that striking console design, this PS5 controller is ready to take your world by storm!

READ MORE:PS5 game cases look awesome!