The Nintendo Switch is great, but the tiny GPD Win Max gaming laptop has arrived on the market as a potential rival to the iconic Nintendo console.
When it comes to handheld gaming, a little bit more power would go a long way. While you can still have a good time on the Switch, it's obvious when playing multi-platform titles that it's lagging behind the Xbox One and PS4.
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That little issue is only going to be more prominent when we hit the next-gen, with both the PS5 and Xbox Series X being substantially more powerful than the current-gen iterations.
Well, it looks like some people are aware of this issue, and they're trying to fill the gap by making a more powerful handheld, even if it's not a Switch. Read on to learn all about the GPD Win Max.
GPD Win Max specs and features
So, to fill the power void in the handheld market, you'd probably not have expected a laptop to do the job, but hey, it's 2020 and anything can happen.
The official website of this GDP Win Max boasts of strong framerates across a huge variety of games, even hitting 76 FPS on Rainbow Six Siege, which is one hell of an accomplishment.
It's even more impressive when you consider the fact that it has an in-built controller. Above the keyboard, there are two analogue sticks, a D-pad, and four buttons modelled after the Xbox layout. That means you can literally hold this in your hands and game with it.
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GPD Win Max price
The GPD Win Max will have an introductory deal price of £645 GBP, or $779 USD, which gamers can access by backing the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.
That's certainly a lot more expensive than a Nintendo Switch, even if you built one yourself, but this tiny gaming laptop is still a tantalising proposition.
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GPD Win Max release date
Although there is an "order now" button on the GPD Win Max website, the only way to actually order a GPD Win Max right now is to go via the Indiegogo crowdfunding website.
The aforementioned Indiegogo page says that shipping on these eye-catching tiny laptops is estimated to begin in June 2020. At the time of writing, there are 44 days left on the crowdfunding page - so you'll want to place your order sooner rather than later if you want that deal price!
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