Fall Guys lobbies broken? How to join a game when it doesn't want to work

Fall Guys has been an incredible success.

Part of that is thanks to the fact that it's free on PS4, but even on Steam, it sold over 2 million copies in its first week.

You can't anticipate that kind of success, not with an indie game, so there have been some teething issues as a result.

Rather than getting angry, why don't we look at some of the things that cause Fall Guys lobby issues?

What causes Fall Guys lobby issues

Issues that occur as you're joining a lobby can be incredibly annoying.

Sometimes they're nothing to do with you at all, and you should always check whether or not the servers themselves are struggling for whatever reasons before you do anything else.

If that's not the case, then the chances are that it's some small error on your end, but the good news is that you can fix those issues quite easily, and here's how.

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How to fix Fall Guys lobby issues

Assuming it's not on the Fall Guys end of things, then your best bet is to shut down the game completely and then start it back up. There are issues with the way the game works that can end up with you being both in and not in a game, and closing it down fixes that.

If that hasn't fixed things, then you should check your firewall and antivirus software. Sometimes they can decide to block Fall Guys, so it's always a good idea to make sure that hasn't happened.

If those don't work, then if you reset your router and your PC/console, then by the time everything is up and running again it should all be good to go.

There are a bunch of little things that can cause these Fall Guys lobby issues, but if you follow these steps, you should be good to go.

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