Call Of Duty Warzone confirmed for PS5 and Xbox Series X: how can next-gen specs improve the CoD Battle Royale?

Call Of Duty: Warzone will be levelling up onto next-gen consoles, with reports suggesting that the CoD battle royale mode is coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X.

With Warzone being enjoyed by many Call Of Duty players in these last few months, eyes have also been on how it will play and work for the new consoles coming later this year.

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If an interview by GamerGen is anything to go by, it looks like Warzone could be first in line to reap the benefits of next-gen features.

Read on to discover everything we know about Call Of Duty: Warzone on PS5 and Xbox Series X, and a fair bit of speculation too...

Infinity Ward wants Warzone on next-gen

Since being released on the 10th March, Warzone has become a staple for players and streamers, constantly being in the top ten games on Twitch while just being a fun game to play overall.

With the next generation consoles slowly pulling back the curtains of their features, such as Sony’s DualSense controller being revealed, some thoughts have turned to how existing games such as Warzone and Fortnite could be supported on these consoles.

Speaking to GamerGen, Infinity Ward’s Taylor Kurosaki had this to say when asked about the next-generation consoles:

"I know that our plan is Warzone is going to be around for quite some time, so as soon as those new systems are out and available I’m sure we’ll support them."

READ MORE: Play Warzone like Clayster

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How will next-gen improve Warzone?

It’s no surprise that Infinity Ward wants to keep Warzone as accessible as possible, even if there’s no chance of a release on Google’s Stadia, mentioned in the same interview as well.

The game could take advantage of the SSD drives which both companies have been shouting about - this way of reading data quickly could really help with the recent patches which have stepped into the 10GB territory in size.

Warzone could also reap the benefits of the next-gen graphics architectures, such as ray-tracing and 60FPS in 4K. And PS5 3D audio could be a huge help for hearing footsteps, too.

Releasing Warzone as a next-gen launch title, possibly even with cross-play between the new consoles, could make it a launch game long remembered.

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