Will there be an Apple TV app on PS5, and how will players get it?

It’s been a year since Apple announced the release of their ‘AppleTV+’ service, where their original content has been available on all their devices with a one year trial, and a monthly £4.99 fee.

But they have been aiming to have the content available on other devices through their own app, and even enabling some other features on some televisions like ‘AirPlay’, which enables an iOS device to ‘throw’ their image onto a display.

But even though the app on a PlayStation 5 or an Xbox Series console seems like common sense, Apple is notorious for picking and choosing which outlet suits them best. Which is why the rumour of the app coming to the consoles last week was a surprise.

With that, let's look at the app and when it could be appearing.

Has the Apple TV app been confirmed?

While Apple TV does not appear on the PS5 Media Remote like YouTube or Netflix, it will still be available on the PlayStation 5 from its release date.

This comes after a blog post from Sony confirmed Apple TV will come to the PS5 on Day 1, allowing you to watch the likes of Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet and Ted Lasso in between your Spider-Man: Miles Morales sessions.

Apple TV will also be available on the PS4, for those of you intending on using your old console as a Media Hub.

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How will Apple TV be able to be downloaded?

To download all the latest media applications, you'll no longer need to navigate through the PS Store, now integrated in the new PlayStation 5 User Interface.

Instead, you'll use the new Media space to navigate between and install your desired streaming or media apps, all while using the new Control Centre to skip between apps, shows, or music much easier than before.

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