Final Fantasy 16 has the sexiest camera system in gaming

final fantasy 16 has the sexiest camera system in gaming
Credit: Square Enix

final fantasy 16 has the sexiest camera system in gaming
Credit: Square Enix

Final Fantasy 16 is doing so many things right, including having a ridiculously sexy camera system. While the actual control of the game’s camera isn’t anything special, pausing the game changes everything in the best possible way.

Twitter user @jordanarywriter revealed that pausing the game allows for some incredibly sick camera angles of Clive. Based on the post below, we see that the angle of Clive changes when the player goes to a different section in the menu.

Importantly, the Final Fantasy XVI camera is anchored to your character in action. This means your sword slash or fireball attack is paused mid-frame and swerved around in the sexiest piece of video game camera work we’ve ever seen.

It’s a lot of work to make your sexy protagonist even sexier and we applaud the move. One could argue that this is just a pretty pause menu but this proves that Square Enix wants every little thing to be great. Sometimes, it’s the little things that get us pumped for a game and this is one of them.

You don’t see a lot of games put effort into their pause menu, which makes Final Fantasy 16 even more special. The only other games we can think of with a cool menu are Persona 5 and its sequel/spin-off Persona 5 Strikers. Anything that gives your game more style and personality is always a good thing in our book.

Pretty much everything about this game has impressed us, whether it’s the combat, story, or the super good dog. The fact that there’s so much cool stuff in addition to a pause menu with cool camera angles is quality overload. Sure, there is some increst in this JRPG, but it’s just a storytelling trope meant to reference real-life royal families.

The fact that everything about this game has garnered a positive reaction shows just how high-quality this product is going to be. With the demo impressing former haters and the game coming out next week, we can’t wait to get our hands on this.

Read More: Final Fantasy 16 only exists because of the PlayStation 5

Final Fantasy 16 is coming to the PlayStation 5 next week, on September 22.

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