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Live Cyborg Cockroach mind-controlled by scientists to survey natural disasters

Live Cyborg Cockroach mind-controlled by scientists to survey natural disasters

Mind-reading device uses AI to turn thoughts into images

Mind-reading device uses AI to turn thoughts into images

Worldā€™s First Synthetic Embryos created in lab without sperm or eggs

Worldā€™s First Synthetic Embryos created in lab without sperm or eggs

Russian propaganda claims Ukraine has created Captain America supersoldiers to destroy them

Russian propaganda claims Ukraine has created Captain America supersoldiers to destroy them

Synchron completes first in-human brain computer interface experiment

Synchron completes first in-human brain computer interface experiment

First pig clones created entirely by robots revealed by Chinese scientists

First pig clones created entirely by robots revealed by Chinese scientists

Lab-Grown Meat factory to produce 15,000 tons of faux food per year

Lab-Grown Meat factory to produce 15,000 tons of faux food per year

Gene-Edited Hamsters surprisingly turn hyper aggressive

Gene-Edited Hamsters surprisingly turn hyper aggressive

Real nanobots that can treat wounds and kill bacteria revealed in Barcelona

Real nanobots that can treat wounds and kill bacteria revealed in Barcelona

Neuralink brain implants will cure common illnesses, claims Musk

Neuralink brain implants will cure common illnesses, claims Musk

Human Augmentation, like brain implants, will be stopped by religious groups, says study

Human Augmentation, like brain implants, will be stopped by religious groups, says study

OPPO AR contact lens in development to realise our sci-fi dreams

OPPO AR contact lens in development to realise our sci-fi dreams

Scientist who created genetically modified babies released from Chinese prison

Scientist who created genetically modified babies released from Chinese prison
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