Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel has proven to be immensely popular since its release, but it's not without problems. Today, we'll take a look at the Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel pre-existing data error, which a number of players have been struggling to deal with. We'll let you know what it is, and what you may be able to do about it.
If you aren't familiar, Yu-Gi-Oh! is the phenomenally popular Manga series that has spawned a raft of spin-offs, including the trading card game which Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is part of. But while this may be something you want to experience, the pre-existing data error may make that harder than it needs to be. Here's what's going on.
How To Fix "This Account Has Pre-Existing Data" Error
We'll say this from the outset: this is a messy one. If you get hit by the pre-existing data error, the damage is already done. In this scenario, there isn't really a remedy to undo it. You will have to use a new, different account.
There is though, a way to prevent this from happening, especially if you know you are going to want to continue your progress across multiple devices. The critical point is to transfer your data before doing anything else. To do this, follow these steps:
- When you start the game for the first time on a new platform, don't press anything. If you're using Steam, wait for the overlay message to disappear.
- Click on the three lines at the bottom right of the screen.
- This loads a menu; click on Data Transfer.
- Follow the steps to transfer your information.
Doing this enables you to transfer your data from one device to another, without the risk of getting the pre-existing data error.
Read More: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Room Glitch – How To Fix The Can’t Leave Duel Room Error
What Is The Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Pre-Existing Data Error?
To explain, it's important to understand that this game is set up for cross-progression. In other words, you can transfer your progress from one gaming platform to another, and pick up where you left off. The Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Pre-Existing Data Error occurs when players are trying to transfer their data across multiple platforms.
To compound the issue, players who get this error are unable to create new game data. And if they attempt to delete the data on the platform they are using, it stops them from then playing the game on said platform. This essentially renders cross-progression useless. It's a complicated one. And unfortunately, there is no simple solution.
Read More: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Crashing on PC: How To Fix Crashing On PC Error
As we outlined above, this is very much a case of prevention being better than cure. So try to take the steps we mentioned earlier, to stop this from happening.