Xbox Sign In Change Occurred Error: How to fix 'a sign in change occurred' issue on Xbox Series X and Xbox One

With the Xbox Series X having just released in late 2020, the console is bound to suffer from the occasional error or bug that needs to be fixed, even if it borrows heavily from the Xbox One's UI.

One recent errors Series X owners have reported is an issue that goes back to the days of the Xbox One, in which players see an error message saying 'A Sign-In change occurred' while in-game.

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If you keep seeing this error message, here's what you can do.

What is the Sign In Change error?

There's nothing more frustrating than being interrupted from your intense gaming session. Whether that's a sibling, doorbell, phone call, or an error message, they can take you out of the immersion, and often lead to a quick death in whatever mission you're currently attempting.

The 'Sign-In Change Occurred' issue goes a step further. When you are playing a game, you may recieve the following message: "A sign in change occurred. Sign out of your gamer profile to continue."

After clicking through this error message, you are then booted out of your game and taken back to the title screen. This can be especially frustrating if you're in the middle of a pretty difficult mission or worse, if you haven't saved your game for a while.

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How to solve 'Sign In Change Occurred' error on Xbox

As this issue has been reported to affect multiple games, including the likes of Mass Effect 2, Assassin's Creedand The Witcher 3, it's difficult to pin down what exactly is the cause.

The first solution you can try, which comes from an Xbox Ambassador via Microsoft Answers, is to power cycle your console. This sounds much scarier than it is. To do this, simply hold down your Xbox's power button for 15 seconds, wait 60 seconds and turn the console back on.

The Ambassador also recommended restarting your router and ensuring you are actually signed into the correct Xbox account, too. It's also worth checking any other devices connected to your Xbox account, as it's possible somebody else could have signed into your Xbox account.

If this issue persists, one workaround we've found involves Offline Mode. Offline Mode allows you to avoid connecting to the game's servers to play a simple single-player campaign. This means you can avoid having to deal with Cloud saves synching up with the server, which could be the cause of this sign in error.

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