Xbox Series X logo revealed: Reddit leak unearths a Microsoft trademark which could define Xbox 2020

A member of the Xbox Series X Reddit community has posted a link to a trademarked logo and alleged that it would belong to the new console.

The trademark is owned by ā€œMicrosoft Corporationā€ and concerns a wide range of goods and services including, ā€œdownloadable video and computer games,ā€ as well as, ā€œinteractive video game devices comprised of computer hardware and software accessoriesā€.

Although the logo hasnā€™t been confirmed by Microsoft, fans of the Xbox Series X are convinced that the logo will be used in conjunction with the upcoming next-gen console.

Interestingly, nowhere in the trademark information is the word ā€œXboxā€ mentioned.

[sc name="xbox"]

What is in the trademark?

The trademark is found on a lengthy online page that outlines details of the mark and classification information.

Microsoftā€™s new trademark is described as consisting of, ā€œthe word SERIES in a vertical formation to the right of which appears a stylized letter X.ā€

As well as the expected console-related details, the trademark also concerns goods and services totally unrelated to gaming such as calendars, gym bags, shot glasses and mittens just to name a few.

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Take a closer look at the newly-trademarked Xbox Series X logo.
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Take a closer look at the newly-trademarked Xbox Series X logo.

What does this mean for Xbox fans?

The new logo is almost certainly related to the next-gen console in one way or another, however weā€™re going to have to wait and see whether it is the official logo or possibly one of many designs that Microsoft has conceptualised throughout the consoleā€™s development.

The extensive trademark should fill die-hard fans of the Xbox franchise with hope that Microsoft may be looking to capitalise on the Series Xā€™s launch and release branded goods and services in a way they never have before.

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