Xbox's Redfall is another massive L for Xbox exclusives

xbox redfall is another massive l for xbox exclusives
Credit: Arkane

xbox redfall is another massive l for xbox exclusives
Credit: Arkane

Redfall from Arkane Studios has been hit with a major setback, letting many fans down. Despite being an Xbox exclusive with a focus on first-person multiplayer, the upcoming RPG will only run at 30 FPS at launch. Considering how powerful these current-gen consoles are, this is disappointing.

On the game’s official Twitter account, it was revealed that the shooter would only run at 30 FPS at launch. Thankfully, there are plans to patch in a 60 FPS option a month after launch. If that’s the case though, why not just delay the game?

Making this situation worse is that prior previews always showed the gameplay at 60 FPS, running on PC hardware. It was never mentioned that it would launch at 30 FPS until recently, which feels like deception. Even with a patch coming the month after, some of this could have been avoided.

It’s yet another bad look for Xbox exclusives, as Redfall hasn’t exactly taken the world by storm. While the folks at Arkane are talented, fans already tired of online-only titles.

This isn’t the first time a next-gen exclusive disappointed off the bat by announcing a 30 FPS limit. Gotham Knights shocked fans when the developers announced that it would launch at 30 FPS for PS5 and Xbox Series X. While the game would be playable at 60 FPS on PC, fans wondered why the move was necessary due to numerous visual cutbacks from Batman: Arkham Knight.

Hopefully, this doesn’t become a trend, and Xbox exclusives after Redfall launch with 60 FPS immediately. One could argue that the more graphics evolve the more we’ll get used to 30 FPS but that should be reserved for major single-player titles. Anything with multiplayer needs to be 60 FPS at the least, given how important online play is.

Read More: Xbox exclusive Redfall demands internet even for single player

Fans will have to wait a bit longer if they want the best version of Redfall. While the game comes to Xbox Series and PC on May 2, players might want to wait till June before buying it.