Xbox exclusive Quantum Break leaving Game Pass spells trouble for Microsoft's service

xbox exclusive quantum break leaving game pass
Credit: Xbox Game Studios

xbox exclusive quantum break leaving game pass
Credit: Xbox Game Studios

Remedy Entertainment’s sci-fi shooter Quantum Break will be leaving Game Pass soon, despite being an Xbox exclusive. Most gamers would assume that Xbox exclusives would be safe on Game Pass forever but this isn’t the first we’ve seen this happen, unfortunately.

Game Pass users noticed that the Remedy game was seen in the “leaving soon” section, which surprised many. At the time of writing, the game’s final date on Game Pass hasn’t been revealed, so it can be removed in a month or tomorrow. Expect more news in that regard soon.

This is despite Microsoft having complete ownership of Quantum Break, as True Achievements points out. Based on the previous removal of Xbox exclusives, it seems that the game’s licensed music is the reason why this exclusive is being removed from the service.

As we mentioned before, this isn’t the first time a big Xbox exclusive has been removed from Game Pass. Plenty of the Forza Horizon games were removed from the service, due to a mix of licensed music and car contracts.

New Forza games are announced regularly so that’s not too bad but losing a single-player adventure like Quantum Break is more eye-opening. Honestly, this makes us wonder about the longevity of games like , which heavily features licensed tracks.

At the least, fans can still purchase these games on the online Xbox Store and PC. Losing them in Game Pass is disappointing but fans can still buy them with their money, at least for now. We hope this doesn’t become a trend, especially since Microsoft is already de-listing games from the Xbox 360 store.

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If anything, this is a decent way to encourage fans to buy Quantum Break. Despite some of the awkward live-action cutscenes, the game is seen by many as an underrated gem. The title also paved the way for Control, which received better reviews, so there’s another reason to check it out.