The latest title in the long-running series of wrestling games by 2K is upon us and gamers have been having fun discovering the roster of wrestlers and their ratings. But sometimes there have been technical issues too, perhaps your wrestlers have been moving too slow? Here's how to fix WWE 2K23 slow motion issue.
The game's performance on consoles has overall been pretty good, with gamers even finding it runs on Steam Deck pretty fine.
But sometimes technical problems do not depend on our computer but on the game itself, so let's look at the WWE 2k23 slow motion issue.
How to fix WWE 2K23 slow motion issue
Considering this is an issue mostly related to the game running too fast, what you want to do is try to cap the FPS at a certain limit. The problem is that if you cap it too much beyond 60, then the game breaks because it is actually going too fast.
The most efficient fix we have found so far is by modifying the configuration file (config.ini). Follow these steps:
- Locate the configuration file (config.ini), it should be in your Documents folder;
- Open it in Notepad;
- Find the string "timed_game_update";
- Turn it to OFF;
- Save the file.
This should hopefully help with the slow motion issue, some have recommended deleting the file altogether to reset the options but we would recommend doing so only after backing up the file.
How to fix WWE 2K23 stuttering
To help with other graphical artefacts and performance issues, we would recommend going to the graphical options menu and lowering the resolution. Also try running the game in windowed mode, as that can also help with the stuttering.
You can also try using NVIDIA graphic options panel to turn off V-sync along with customizing other options, such as increasing the FPS limit (just don't go overboard as that will bring about other issues).