Warner Bros' plans to continue bringing DC characters to the cinema screen is increasingly confusing. On one side, WB is starting new standalone film universes for Batman and Superman. On the other side, the SnyderVerse incarnations of Wonder Woman, Aquaman and The Flash are continuing as is.
However, while those SnyderVerse characters are continuing into the future, Warner Bros' upcoming The Flash film is getting weird. It’s already been confirmed that Barry Allen will be venturing into the multiverse and meeting Keaton's Batman. What's weirder is that the speedster will be meeting a new Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman will be different for The Flash
In a report by Giant Freaking Robot, it’s said that Wonder Woman is a part of The Flash. However, for the first time in modern DC, the character will not be portrayed by Gal Gadot. As the SnyderVerse's Batman will still be played by Ben Affleck, the movie will seemingly have a multiverse Diana Prince.
Giant Freaking Robot hasn’t reported who will be playing the multiverse version of Diana Prince. With the film already in active production, it's a surprise that there's no information on the new Amazoness actress.
With this in mind, take the report with a huge grain of salt. It’s definitely possible that the role of Wonder Woman could be passed to another actress. After all, this is a dimension breaking adventure the likes of which the DCEU has never seen.
Read More: Michael Keaton confirmed for Batman return in The Flash
Gal Gadot isn't being replaced
Just because Gal Gadot won't play Wonder Woman in your new movie, that doesn't mean she's done with the character. Just last week, Gadot revealed that she's already working on the upcoming third movie in the series with Patty Jenkins.
In DC's eyes, Gadot is Diana Prince. For as controversial as the actress has been over the past year, she's still DC's superhero. As it stands, the actress will still be The Princess of Themyscira for a while yet.
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