Will Hi-Fi Rush come to PS5?

hi-fi rush ps5 looking at monitors

hi-fi rush ps5 looking at monitors

Ah the thrill of music, isn't there anything better? Feeling that rhythm deep within your heart, feeling it as it makes the hair on your skin stand straight. Just a unique feeling. The same that we can experience in the newest action rhythm-based combat game by Tango Gameworks, but will Hi-Fi Rush come to PS5 too? Let's find out.

The game has been revealed right before a release directly on GamePass, so that Xbox and PC owners, who are subscribed to Microsoft's gaming service, can play it right away. They are indeed lucky, will others have the same luck?

Let's take a look then and try to understand if Hi-Fi Rush will also come to the PlayStation 5.

Will Hi-Fi Rush come to PS5?

Unfortunately, all the information we have so far doesn't point to a PS5 release of Hi-Fi rush any time soon.

And considering now how Bethesda is a full part of Microsoft (all of their games are on GamePass), it is highly doubtful that we will see a release of the game any time soon on any other platforms besides Xbox and PC.

Still, that doesn't rule out the possibility of a PS5 release of Hi-Fi Rush altogether. Perhaps, if the game will find a solid base of fans and find an audience on GamePass, then Tango Gameworks might think about porting it to PlayStation 5 in the near future.

We will have to sit and wait.

Hi-Fi Rush on GamePass

The newest game by Tango Gameworks has been revealed on the 26th of January 2023. It is available right now on both Xbox and PC, included in the GamePass service. The game features exciting rhythm-based combat and action, not far removed from Tango's previous game, Sunset Overdrive.

If you're one of the lucky owners of GamePass you can check out this game, but perhaps you want more out of your Xbox console. Definitely check out our guide on how to use Xbox Remote Play and our latest information on Xbox Series 2.