Cyberpunk 2077 was, and still is, on a roller coaster ride ever since it was launched worldwide just last December.
As many will likely know, the game was hyped well before release but experienced a somewhat rocky launch from day 1.
The sheer volume of bugs, and issues from players all over the globe on various platforms were extraordinary.
Since the turn of the new year, CD Projekt Red has set to work fixing as much of the game as they can. There's already been one major update for the game, with the launch of the 1.1 in early January 2021.
However, it's been well over two months since the 1.1 update hit PS4, Xbox and PC, so fans might naturally be wondering when the next big patch will arrive.
Keep reading, we'll tell you everything you need to know if you've been wondering 'when is Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.2 coming out?'
Cyberpunk 1.2 release date on hold
The official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account posted a thread wherein they expressed updates on how things are going on with the Cyberpunk 1.2.
CD Projekt Red has confirmed that Cyberpunk 1.2 won't see a release anytime soon, with best estimates from the developer suggesting the update could arrive "in the second half of March".
A major factor in the delay is the recent cyber attack on the studio's IT system and files.
As a result, CD Projekt Red claim they need more time to prepare the update. Which is understandable given that Cyberpunk 1.2's main focus is leaned towards huge game fixes and updates.
it's likely that the delay has also meant the team is aiming to fix more by the time of release.
READ MORE: CD Projekt Red hack: Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher 3 source code reportedly on sale at auction

Cyberpunk 2077 - Existing bugs
There are several bugs that have been hampering players of Cyberpunk 2077. Some are situational, but there are plenty more that appear to happen without warning to almost anyone playing the game.
One of the most well-known bugs impacting the game currently is reoccurring crashing. Various players continue to voice their dissatisfaction at how the game keeps crashing on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

Another issue is the low resolutions and frame rates Cyberpunk 2077 is showing, especially in the Xbox and PlayStation versions. Texture pop-ins and stuttering are also widely reported issues for the game on consoles.
Clearly there's plenty to still fix and hopefully the 1.2 update will fix the vast majority of problems for Cyberpunk 2077 players.
READ MORE: How Cyberpunk 2077 could become “the next Skyrim”