Status effects in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Realms of Ruin explained

An Orc wearing a metal helmet and bone spaulders

An Orc wearing a metal helmet and bone spaulders

Getting a kill in battle isn’t always as simple as it sounds. In this guide, we’ll be listing down the different Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Realms of Ruin status effects to help you incapacitate enemies before landing the fatal blow.

Realms of Ruin is a real-time strategy game that is set in the Warhammer universe that lets you build an army comprised of different unit types and take on rival factions. You can do this through the game’s single-player campaign or go online to challenge other players.

So, let’s go ahead and learn all about the different Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Realms of Ruin status effects and see how they can turn the tide of battle.

Armoured units with their shields up
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Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Realms of Ruin status effects

There is a total of nine different status effects your units can be afflicted with in Realms of Ruin. Here’s a quick rundown of each one.

  • Reinforce – units with this effect will gradually replenish lost soldiers
  • Burned – units with this status will take damage over time
  • Feared – pauses a unit’s current action and moves it away from the source of the effect
  • Knocked Back – units are flung away from their current position and have their current action interrupted
  • Silenced – renders units unable to use passive or active abilities. Basic ranged and melee attacks can still be used but Channel abilities will be interrupted
  • Slowed – reduces a unit’s movement speed
  • Stunned – units are immobilized and unable to respond to commands
  • Shielded – able to absorb some damage before losing health
  • Unstoppable – gain immunity to all effects that impede movement including Slow, Stun, and Fear

It’s important to memorize what each status effect does to your units as they can have a big impact on the outcome of a skirmish.

And that concludes our guide on the different status effects in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Realms of Ruin. For more on the strategy game, you can check out its system requirements or visit this Realms of Ruin hub over at our sister site, Gfinity.