Are VRChat servers down? Server status, downtime, more

VRChat servers down - characters in VRChat waving hello

VRChat servers down - characters in VRChat waving hello

It's never a good time when you want to enjoy yourself by chatting with friends or strangers and are unable to do so. Sure, the problem might be with your connection, but perhaps problems with the VRChat servers down are getting in the way. Let's see what is going on with the VRChat server status.

There are many different ways in which to have fun in VRChat, where there is a complete online world at your disposal where you can use different avatars and chat with a lot of people and activities.

But what if you can't? Then you should definitely check out what is going on with the VRChat servers.

Are VRChat servers down?

At the time of writing, on November 30 2023, VRChat servers seem to be working correctly, with no downtime or planned maintenance.

Recent incidents date to mid-October 2023, when several slowdowns happened in the US-West region. These issues were solved in a matter of hours and could also be possibly circumvented by logging on to a different region.

There were also some problems related to users not being able to use the store, back in early October, but these have been also fixed.

How to check the VRChat server status?

There are different ways to check the VRChat server status. The easiest one is to go to the official server status page where all the relevant information are available.

If that doesn't work for you or you'd like an alternative, you can also use a third-party website such as Down Detector. That also lets you quickly check if other people are also having problems connecting to VRChat.

How long are the VRChat servers down for?

Generally, there doesn't seem to be an overall maintenance plan for VRChat servers. They might be down for a few minutes, or up to several hours if a restart is needed.

If you are having issues connecting to the service, but there doesn't seem to be a planned maintenance or any official report, we would recommend try to connect to a different region. Your speed might not be as good as if you were connecting to one that is close to your location, but you might definitely enjoy some more time chatting with your friends.

That's all we have for you on the VRChat servers down, but if you want to fix the service crashing on you, we also can help.