Some Total War fans have expressed concern at the size of the campaign map in Total War: Pharaoh. We're here to share everything we know about the campaign map in Total War: Pharaoh, so you can decide for yourself whether
Total War Warhammer 3's Immortal Empires map was the series' largest map to date, and having the next Total War title set solely within Egypt and its surrounding countries may feel like a downgrade to some. However, focusing the map on a smaller scale may allow for the presence of deeper systems and mechanics that enhance the Total War gameplay.
For more on the game's upcoming release, check out everything we know about Total War: Pharaoh, including the game's platforms!

Where is the Total War: Pharaoh map set?
Total War: Pharaoh occurs during the New Kingdom of Egypt era. Players will be able to take control of each of the major forces vying for power, as Pharaoh Merneptah's reign comes to an end. You'll have to overcome each of your rivals to become Pharaoh of Egypt.
Spanning three regions, Total War: Pharaoh's campaign map is larger than you might anticipate. Each of Egypt, Canaan, and Anatolia are visually distinct and have unique traits tied to them, and all are fully explorable as battlefields. It isn't all desert in Total War: Pharaoh - there'll be lush Anatolian forests and major sea battles for you to witness during your campaign.
You can get a look at how some of the locations and biomes will look that feature on the campaign map for Total War: Pharaoh in the video released by Creative Assembly attached below.
That's all we have for now on the Total War Pharaoh: campaign map. For more Total War: Pharaoh guides, why not check out whether the game will have multiplayer and what the Total War: Pharaoh system requirements are.