The ultimate PS5 QUIZ: How well do you know the PlayStation 5? Try your luck here!

The PS5 and PS5 Digital Edition are rolling out around the world, and you might be sat at your desk right now daydreaming about the shiny new Sony console.

But just how well do you know the PS5? To test your PlayStation 5 knowledge, we've pulled together 10 trivia questions about the console. Only true obsessives will get them all right, we'd wager.

READ MORE: Missed out on the PS5? Try the PS5 Simulator instead

Keep on reading to jump into our PS5 quiz...

The ultimate PS5 quiz is here!

If you want to put your PS5 knowledge to the test, click 'Start Quiz' in the snazzy widget below to get started with our PS5 quiz...

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How did you do? As we mentioned at the start, a full 10 out of 10 would definitely be something to be proud of, especially if you don't even have PS5 yet! Speaking of which...

How to sign up for PS5 restock alerts

Still trying to get yourself a PS5? If you want to be the first to know when the PS5 comes back into stock, the best thing to do is to sign up for alerts on - if you click that link, you'll be taken to their dedicated page about the PS5 console.

You'll see an option for 'Quick Sign Up' on the right-hand side of the page: drop your email in there and Stock Informer will inform you of stock as it arrives.

Stock Informer doesn't work with every retailer on the planet, though, so you might want to double down on your chances by keeping your eyes peeled on Twitter: follow our friends @GfinityDeals, by clicking that link, and they'll keep you updated with next-gen stock updates as they happen!

In the meantime, though, we'll keep you updated with PS5 news and keep chucking together quizzes when we can...

CLICK HERE: Read all the latest PlayStation news!