The Last Of Us 2 Best Audio Settings: pre-sets, headset settings, and the optimal sound options for TLOU2

Seven years after the release of The Last of Us, the sequel to Naughty Dog's critically acclaimed post-apocalyptic title is here.

The Last of Us was praised for its amazing sound design, which was crucial to building tension during the game's most important moments. The iconic sounds of a Clicker still haunt gamers today reminded of that hotel basement sequence.

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Given the importance of sound in the original game, it's no surprise that The Last of Us 2 makes audio a key part of the experience.

We've compiled a guide on how to optimise your audio settings before jumping back into the world of Joel and Ellie...

What headset should I have for The Last of Us 2?

Reviews for The Last of Us 2 have praised the games immaculate audio design that helps to immerse players further into the world.

As with the first The Last of Us, stealth is a huge focus in the gameplay. While it is optional, trying to force your way through a barrage of Clickers, Bloaters and whatever new enemies The Last of Us 2 introduces will probably end in many, many deaths.

To improve your stealth movements, you can make use of directional audio and surround sound to locate the distance and direction of your enemies. While using the Advanced Listening that both Joel and Ellie had does show you exactly where the sounds are coming from, stopping to hide and use this is quite disruptive, especially when enemies are searching for you.

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This is why having a gaming headset with access to surround sound is a must for The Last of Us 2.

We recommend using one of the official Gold or Platinum PlayStation headsets, as not only do they offer fantastic surround sound audio, but can take advantage of the PlayStation's custom audio modes.

CLICK HERE: Limited Edition The Last of Us 2 PlayStation Gold Headset

What is Custom Audio? How do I use it? What Setting Should I use?

One of the unique features of any official PlayStation headset is that they have access to a group of custom audio presets. These presets are available through Headset Companion App that can be downloaded via the PlayStation Store.

To connect your headset to the app, you'll need to plug it in to your PS4 using a USB cable and open the Companion App. Here, you can select a custom audio mode to download onto your headset.

If you're struggling to pick an audio mode, we'd suggest using the official The Last of Us custom preset found on the app. While no The Last of Us 2 preset has been released yet, as the original and the sequel share many of the same gameplay concepts, it should enhance your audio experience.

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What other audio settings can I change?

The Last of Us 2 has been praised for its many accessibility options to ensure their game is open to as many fans as possible.

For players with visual impairments, audio settings can be tweaked so that unique audio cues will highlight items, ledges, doors, and anything else you can interact with.

READ MORE: The Last Of Us accessibility settings explained