Texas Chain Saw Massacre crossplay - is it cross-platform?

Texas Chain Saw Massacre crossplay - Leatherface with woman

Texas Chain Saw Massacre crossplay - Leatherface with woman

Are you ready to go down to Texas again? This time you don't have to simply survive, you can also play as Leatherface, hunting down survivors. But what if we want to play with people on other platforms? Let's find out all about the Texas Chain Saw Massacre crossplay and if we can play with people on other platforms.

Honestly, we are a bit torn on this game, as much as we like Leatherface, wouldn't it be great to have a cross cultural battle with Freddy Krueger?

Anyway, let's stay on topic and find out what we know about the Texas Chain Saw Massacre crossplay and cross-platform capabilities.

Does Texas Chain Saw Massacre support crossplay?

The answer is yes and no. On one hand, gamers playing Texas Chain Saw Massacre on PlayStation 5, Windows and XBox Series S | X will be able to play with each other. Those stuck with the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions, won't have the same luck.

That's understandable, in that those are previous-gen consoles and obviously the dev studio wants to put the effort to make the game shiny on current-gen platforms. Still, those playing on PS4 might feel a little bit cheated, understandably.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre cross-platform support

Overall, we would say that the game does its fair bit at supporting cross-platform play. But considering how much it relies on its PvP modes, which are the true meat (no pun intended) of the game, then leaving Xbox One and PS4 players to only play with people on the same consoles, is not the best choice.

Those that own a previous-gen console can't even play against each other, they can naturally access online multiplayer modes, but can only play against other gamers on the same console. This will severely limit your choices when the game goes live. It feels like one severe limitations to the possibilities of taking your Leatherface online.

That's all we have for you on Texas Chain Saw Massacre crossplay capabilities. For more tips and tricks on the game, check out our guides on the system requirements and server error.