System Shock Remake indefinitely delayed on consoles; PC release date soon

An image of the System Shock remake delay on PC and consoles

An image of the System Shock remake delay on PC and consoles

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Nightdive Studios’ impressive System Shock remake has a final release date on PC. However, the massive release of the classic sci-fi immersive sim will happen far later for fans on console.

After a period of silence, it’s been revealed that System Shock Remake will release on PC on May 30, 2023. As for the console release, that’s yet to be decided.

The System Shock remake was planned to replace this March on PC and console. After years of development, the remake of Looking Glass’ iconic FPS has suffered one more delay before release.

As for the console release, NightDive Studios’ remake is still planned to release on last and current-gen machines. However, that release will take an indefinite amount of time to actually happen.

“Console editions of System Shock will release on PlayStation 4|5 and Xbox One and Series S|X in due course,” a press release for the game reads. “More details on this when we have them.”

Initially funded via a Kickstarter in 2016, the System Shock remake has seen its fair share of development woes. At first, the game was set to be released on 2018, but the project changed game engines from Unity to Unreal Engine 5 in 2017. A year later, development was put on hiatus. 

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Since then, Nightdive has been hard at work on remaking the original game in Unreal Engine 4. With the quality of previous demos, we’re very excited to see just how good the upcoming remake actually is.

At the time of writing, there are only plans to remake the first game in the series. Additionally, Nightdive is working on a full-fledged System Shock 3, but there’s been little-to-no information on this exciting sequel.