Switch: How to add money to your Switch account

Whenever you want to buy a digital product on your Nintendo Switch, you may need to add real money on your account.

While you can gain 'Nintendo Points' when you purchased a boxed game, you need to put in some of your hard-earned cash to add funds to your account.

With this in mind, here's how to add money to your Switch account.

Add money to your Switch account three ways

The official support page for the Nintendo Switch has got you covered.

  • Go to your Switch's Profile page and select User settings.
  • Find the Nintendo eShop settings and choose the Add funds option.
  • Choose the mode of payment that you prefer; whether it's through a Credit Card, the Nintendo eShop Prepaid Card, or Paypal.
  • Select an amount that you wish to add to your account.
  • Once done, fill-in with the necessary information depending on your mode of payment.
  • Select Confirm followed by Add to finish the transaction.

READ MORE: Switch: How long does a Nintendo Switch Joy Con take to charge

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Merge funds with another Nintendo Switch account

The Nintendo Switch may allow users to merge funds from two different accounts.

You just need to do steps 1 and 2 above. Then select the Merge Funds option on your account.

Then fill-in with your password. Confirm by selecting the Merge Funds option once again. It will immediately combine the money stored on the connected Nintendo Switch accounts.

READ MORE: How to play online on Nintendo Switch