How to fix SD stuck on "Starting Steam Deck update download" issue

Starting Steam Deck update download - picture of Steam Deck
Credit: Steam

Starting Steam Deck update download - picture of Steam Deck
Credit: Steam

Steam Deck stuck on "Starting Steam Deck update download" is an error loop being encountered by many players today. This error is frustrating for many players because it takes precious gaming time away.

The update download error loop is also as frustrating as Steam Deck's performance overlay stuck or the stuck on logo issue. The error requires a little bit of tinkering and adjustment of settings.

Read on to learn how to fix the annoying error loop of "Starting Steam Deck update download."

What is starting Steam Deck update download error?

The "Starting Steam Deck update download" is an error loop that leaves the Steam Deck stuck on continuous updating. This error can persist for up to 13 hours or even more!

The Steam Deck update download error loop occurs in numerous instances. Some players encountered the error the first time they booted their Steam Decks. Others have noticed that the update bar is progressing but somehow stops at around 80-90%.

Some of the known factors connected to the error loop are unstable Internet connection, corrupted files, faulty security issues, and unfinished updates.

How to fix SD stuck on "Starting Steam Deck update download" issue

You can fix the "starting Steam Deck update download" loop by applying some simple online methods. Most of the temporary fixes are easy to implement while others require some third-party apps.

Check out the following temporary fixes:

  • Restart your Steam Deck. Once the Steam Deck has restarted, it will reload the dashboard and other necessary game files.
  • Try to disable the WiFi's power-saving mode in the developer panel. Sometimes, the power-saving mode can affect the dashboard and the Steam Deck's connectivity settings.
  • Check if your router is damaged. A damaged router creates weak WiFi connectivity, affecting your Steam Deck and other gadgets.
  • Switch to a stronger connection. Poor network settings can lead to annoying bottlenecks, hindering apps and gadgets that require a constant Internet connection.
  • Start re-imaging your Steam Deck to bring it back to its original version and allow updates to push through. If you're using Windows, you need the Rufus utility program. If you're using MacOS or Linux, you need the Balena Etcher.
  • Upon seeing the error, hit the B button and choose your WiFi connection. This will reset the update prompt and allow the Steam Deck to push through.

You can also check out Steam Deck's Twitter account to learn more about upcoming hotfixes, updates, or resolution methods. Just be patient and keep trying all possible options!