Stranger Things VR - release date, price, platforms

Vecna's head next to Eleven from Stranger Things VR key art
Credit: Tender Claws

Vecna's head next to Eleven from Stranger Things VR key art
Credit: Tender Claws

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The Stranger Things VR release date is almost upon us, allowing fans of the series to finally witness the Upside Down in all of its messed up glory in beautiful virtual reality. But when can you finally play it, and what can you expect from Tender Claws' upcoming game.

If you own one of the best VR headsets right now, you may have had the upcoming VR game on your wishlist, waiting for it to finally arrive. We're just as excited as you to see the world of Stranger Things in a new way, and here's when you can expect to enter the Upside Down.

Stranger Things VR release date

The release date for Stranger Things VR is February 22, 2024. The game received a short delay from its late 2023 release window a few months ago, with Tender Claws sharing the new date in early February. It will be available on Meta Quest 3, Quest 2, and Quest Pro when it launches, for £22.99 or $30.

Unfortunately, there's no news on whether the game will eventually release on PC or PSVR 2. However, we expect that it won't, as it has been part of Meta's marketing for the Quest 3.

Stranger Things VR gameplay

In Stranger Things VR, you'll play as Season 4 villain Vecna, as you invade the minds of various fan-favourite characters or explore the Upside Down. As you're probably aware, Vecna has plenty of supernatural abilities up his sleeves, such as telekinesis, and you'll be able to use his suite of powers during the game.

For Quest 3 players, Stranger Things VR will also have mixed reality moments. During Quest 3's reveal, there was a minor moment where you can see the obvious dark tendril-like portals that have been shown during the TV show, but they'll appear on the walls of your home. At least you don't need to go to Hawkins to get the Stranger Things experience.

Stranger Things VR story

Exact details on the story are unclear right now. However, the trailers and the description of the game give a little insight into what to expect, such as enacting Vecna's revenge plan against Eleven and her cohort, witnessing Henry Creel's transformation into the deformed antagonist, and likely some major moments from Season 4 of the series.

We don't think that Stranger Things VR will show any major revelations about the world of Stranger Things - especially about what might happen in Season 5, simply due to the fact that Netflix won't want normal audiences missing out on some necessary lore. However, it would be nice to get a small little easter egg that eventually appears in the series.

That's everything to know about the latest exclusive for Meta Quest. If you're still on the older headset, you may be wondering about the differences between Meta Quest 2 and Quest 3, especially if it's worth upgrading or not.