Steam Link streaming app no longer supports Samsung SmartTVs

Steam Link playing half-life 2 on a Samsung smart TV

Steam Link playing half-life 2 on a Samsung smart TV

Valve’s Steam Link streaming app has been a constant presence on Android devices and most SmartTVs. Unfortunately, the Steam Link app for Samsung TVs will soon be discontinued, despite still working at the time of writing.

Those who open the Steam Link app on a Samsung TV will now get a notification warning users of a soon approaching shut down. After years of support, the application will no longer be usable on Samsung sets.

The new warning informs fans that the Steam Link Samsung app will shut down on November 30, 2023. This means that players won’t be able to stream their PC to their Samsung SmartTV without a physical Steam Link box. The physical box has since been discontinued.

“Steam Link will no longer be available on Samsung TV after November 30th, 2023,” the warning reads. “For information on games purchased in the Steam store, please contact Steam support.”

Via FlatPanelsHD, the Steam Link Samsung app was developed as a partnership between the TV manufacturer and Valve. Since 2017, the app has been playable with wired and wireless controllers, but no longer will that be the case.

As FlatPanels explains, the Steam Link app is still available via other SmartTVs as well as AppleTV and GoogleTV devices, such as a Chromecast. However, every SamsungTV will no longer have a native app available to download.

Of course, there are other streaming apps available on Samsung SmartTVs. For example, Xbox Game Pass is now natively available on compatible models. However, there is now direct way of replacing the Steam Link app on this brand of television.

The Steam Link app doesn’t say if the service will still be usable for those who already have the application installed. However, it should still be usable until a major update is required to stream titles from your Steam PC to a form fo the Steam Link client.