Steam Deck owners demand Game Pass on Valve's handheld

steam deck game pass
Credit: Xbox/Valve

steam deck game pass
Credit: Xbox/Valve

Valve’s Steam Deck has become the go-to place to play PC games for many, so, naturally, fans want to see Xbox Game Pass on the system. It would be a good fit for the handheld and users are demanding we see the service there, even though Xbox is more interested in the Switch.

Fans on the system's subreddit saw Xbox talk about wanting to put Game Pass on Nintendo Switch, and many wondered why Microsoft wouldn’t do that for Steam Deck. After all, various Xbox-published titles are already playable on the system, so bringing Game Pass there should be a homerun idea.

Here’s what fans on the subreddit had to say about Game Pass on Steam Deck:

“Okay Microsoft... so when u putting Gamepass on Steam or making it available on Linux?” said real_priception.

“Steam seems like an obvious place for gamepass. Too bad they won’t do it because it would cannibalize their native gamepass app usage,” commented soreyJr.

“Effing do it then cowards. Native Gamepass support on steam would be amazing. I hate dual booting because windows sucks on handheld,” angrily typed livinonnosleep.

Honestly, Game Pass on Steam Deck makes so much sense and it’s a shame that Microsoft hasn’t added it to the handheld yet. For all we know, the companies are negotiating to bring it to the handheld, but we’ll wait for an official announcement before saying anything.

Right now, the only way to use Game Pass on the Deck is to install Windows and replace Linux, which is a pain. Granted, it’s more than doable, but that’s a lot of work to not play it on Game Mode. Having it readily available on Steam Deck would be the way to go, considering how beloved the handheld is.

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Until Microsoft says otherwise, Steam Deck owners won’t get Game Pass on their handheld anytime soon. At the least, Valve’s handheld can play Xbox titles like Halo Infinite, Psychonauts 2, and Killer Instinct.