Do not discount the power of gameplay trailers, as new Starfield gameplay has resulted in a dramatic sales increase for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles.
This is being reported by a French gaming site, via Resetera, which registered how sales for the Xbox Series X rose to the top of Amazon sales with an overall increase of 1,335%. This is just an hourly chart, so results tend to fluctuate, but there was definitely a noticeable jump in sales directly after the trailer was shown.
Indeed, fans' reactions to the Starfield gameplay trailer have been full-on excitement. With some saying "haven't been this excited for a game since Halo 3" and "finally a reason to upgrade my Xbox". Others were a bit more sceptical saying to not trust Bethesda and that "they were glad the game is coming out on Game Pass".
Strangely enough, there hasn't yet been talk of a limited Starfield Xbox console, even though we have been definitely keeping our eyes on the game's snazzy tie-in controller. Of course, there's also a collector's edition which will set you back $300 for a digital watch.
Fans have been excited about the game despite the news that Starfield is going to be locked at 30 FPS on console. Some noted how there are many well-beloved games that came out recently and still run at 30 FPS with no one seemingly complaining about them, but the reaction to Starfield's framerate has lit a fire under the gaming community, even resulting in review bombs.
Even Sony Santa Monica developer Dannie Carlone leaped into the discussion on Twitter about the 30 FPS saying "60 fps on this scale would have a massive hit on fidelity [...] my guess is they want to go in for a seamless look."
But, on one thing, the Xbox VP Aaron Greenberg was right when he announced that a glimpse of the Starfield gameplay would make fans soil themselves. We don't know about you, but we are surely already headed out to buy a couple of Xbox consoles, you know, just in case.