Star Trek: Prodigy images show the most interesting new-Trek worlds yet

Modern Star Trek has suffered from a lot of uniformity in recent years. While older shows, limited by budget and technology, managed to invent some intriguing worlds, newer projects still feel restrained. However, Paramount's first look at Star Trek: Prodigy will seemingly break the mould.

What is Star Trek: Prodigy?

Announced in 2019, Star Trek: Prodigy is an animated show aimed at introducing the iconic sci-fi universe to a new generation. The series is poised to have a simultaneous release on Nickelodeon and Paramount Plus for kids and series veterans alike.

In the show, a holographic version of Voyager's Captain Janeway will be guiding a ragtag squad of alien children. Unlike the Trek of old, these aliens are incredibly diverse; the show will finally have non-humanoid characters.

The show will follow this new group through a collection of Delta Squadron adventures in a stolen Federation vessel. We expect the episodes to be condensed, child-friendly takes on the classic Trek formula.

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Paramount releases stunning new images

To promote the upcoming show, Paramount has unveiled some truly gorgeous images. Seeing as the show is fully 3-D animated, Star Trek: Prodigy has unlimited potential. Thankfully, it looks like the art team is breaking into that potential with gorgeous worlds. These are some of the most beautiful Trek environments we've ever seen, especially compared to some of the new shows' blandness.

One image shows a gorgeous rolling desert with intricate ridged cliffs, more sand pouring over each face. An orbital shot of one planet displays a stunning star field as roots or snake-like creatures reach through the atmosphere to reach them. Thirdly, there's an intimate shot of two characters sitting in a wreckage, staring out across the stars.

Lastly, there's an image that shows what looks like a detailed Starbase. Even with the new-Trek style, it's a pretty, luscious locale. Furthermore, ornate garden rings surrounding the exterior. However, their segregated nature adds a sense of loneliness. Is this simply Starfleet's way? No matter what the structure actually is, it's extraordinary. Check a look below.

Star Trek Prodigy Outer Space
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Star Trek Prodigy
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Star Trek Prodigy Space
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Star Trek Prodigy Show space
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