Sonic Superstars doesn't join the $69.99 gaming craze

sonic superstars doesnt join the $70 gaming craze
Credit: SEGA

sonic superstars doesnt join the $70 gaming craze
Credit: SEGA

With more games slowly becoming $69.99, SEGA fans will be happy to know that Sonic Superstars won’t be part of that trend. However, the game is still going to be a full-priced product when it’s all said and done.

After some reports on social media made it seem like it would be $69.99 on launch, the official Sonic Twitter clarified things. Getting straight to the point, the official post said “Confirming base game is $59.99!”

This is technically a good thing but it’s worth noting that “base game” means there could be special editions. Considering how Sonic is one of SEGA’s most popular video games, we wouldn’t be surprised if some deluxe edition exists.

SEGA previously showed interest in releasing $70 games, following on from next-gen games such as The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Considering how this release is coming to next-gen systems like the PS5 and Xbox Series, staying in the $60 range is interesting. Then again, they could just be taking their time and waiting for it to be normalized.

Now that the Summer Games Fest has come and gone, many seem to agree that Sonic Superstars was one of the highlights. Sporting some great 2.5D visuals and four-player co-op, this looks like the game many fans have been waiting for. Why it took SEGA this long to make a Sonic game with co-op is beyond us but it’s finally happening.

It could be argued that this game is copying the New Super Mario Bros. games but we haven’t seen any new entries in that series for a while. Properties like Rayman Legends and the upcoming Disney Illusion Island have similar gameplay mechanics so SEGA doing this isn’t as egregious.

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Sonic Superstars will be coming to PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch, and PC this Fall.