If you are looking for Snapchat abbreviations or slang word meanings, you are in the right place.
Snapchat is one of the easy-to-use social media apps. But, for a newbie, Snapchat emojis and some of the app's features can be tricky. For example, Snapchat planets, as well as abbreviations or slang words, can be hard to decipher.
In this article, we'll explore the most common Snapchat abbreviations and slang words, and explain their meanings so you can keep up with the conversation on this popular app.
Snapchat abbreviations meanings
As with any form of communication, Snapchat has its own set of slang and abbreviations that can leave some users confused and scratching their heads. From "STG" to "GYAT," understanding these Snapchat slang words can be daunting for new users.
So here is the list of the most common Snapchat abbreviations and slang words and their meanings to help you become a pro at navigating the app's lingo.
Note that this is not an exhaustive list and there are more Snapchat abbreviations that are used on the instant messaging app. You can find more Snapchat abbreviations or slang words in the section below.
What does LMR mean on Snapchat?
LMR means "Like My Recent" on Snapchat. It is often used by Snapchat users to ask their friends to like their most recent post on TikTok or Instagram. The purpose of this request is to increase engagement on their post.
What does GYAT mean on Snapchat?
GYAT means "Get Your Act Together" on Snapchat. It is often used to encourage someone to organize themselves or get their priorities straight. The term could also mean “God damn.”
What does WCW mean on Snapchat?
WCW means "Woman Crush Wednesday" on Snapchat. It is a hashtag trend that originated on social media platforms, where users share pictures or posts about their female crushes on Wednesdays.
What does YWA mean on Snapchat?
YWA means "You're Welcome Anyway" on Snapchat. This phrase is commonly used to show appreciation for someone's gratitude or thanks, even if their gesture or request was unexpected or unnecessary.
What does IMR mean on Snapchat?
IMR means "I Mean, Really" on Snapchat. It is often used in response to a situation or conversation that is surprising or unexpected. The phrase is typically used to express disbelief or incredulity at what has been said or done.
What does MCM mean on Snapchat?
MCM means "Man Crush Monday" on Snapchat. It is a hashtag trend that originated on social media platforms, where users share pictures or posts about their male crushes on Mondays.
What does WYO mean on Snapchat?
WYO means "What You On?" on Snapchat. It is a commonly used phrase among friends and acquaintances on Snapchat to initiate a conversation or check in on someone. You can use this to ask someone what they are doing, or if they are interested in hanging out.
What does GTS mean on Snapchat?
GTS means "Go To Sleep" on Snapchat. It is often used among friends or acquaintances on Snapchat to encourage someone to get some rest or sleep. The term could also mean “Good Times.”
What does HW mean on Snapchat?
HW means "Homework" on Snapchat. It is a commonly used phrase among students on Snapchat to express their frustration or share their workload with their friends. The phrase is typically accompanied by emojis to express the student's feelings towards their homework.
What does ILY mean on Snapchat?
ILY means "I Love You" on Snapchat. It is a commonly used phrase among friends, family members, and romantic partners on Snapchat to express their love and affection for one another.
What does MH mean on Snapchat?
MH means "My Heart" on Snapchat. It is often used as a term of endearment towards someone, to express affection, appreciation or gratitude. This term can also be used as a response when agreeing with something someone said, and it's pronounced as the phonetic sound "Mm-hmm."
What does NP mean on Snapchat?
NP means "No Problem" on Snapchat. It is a common phrase used in response to someone thanking you or asking for a favour, to indicate that it was not a burden and you were happy to help.
What does OTW mean on Snapchat?
OTW means "On The Way" on Snapchat. If someone sends you OTW on Snapchat or any other messaging platform, it usually means they are on their way to meet you or they are travelling to a particular location.
What does WDYM mean on Snapchat?
WDYM means "What do you mean?" on Snapchat and in other messaging contexts. It is often used to ask for clarification when someone says something that is confusing or ambiguous.
What does DWS mean on Snapchat?
DWS means "Dealing with shit" on Snapchat, which is an expression used to describe dealing with difficult or unpleasant situations. It could also mean "Driving While Snapping" and "Dripping With Sarcasm."
What does FSU mean on Snapchat?
FSU mean "Friends Stand United" on Snapchat. This acronym is often used as a slogan or a rallying cry to encourage friendship and support among friends.
What does IMSG mean on Snapchat?
IMSG means "In My Snapchat Group" on Snapchat. The acronym is likely used when referring to content or messages that were shared within a group chat on Snapchat. It could also mean "Instant Messaging Games."
And that covers most of the Snapchat abbreviations or slang words. Now have a look at Snapchat emoji meanings as well as Snapchat Plus planets meaning.