Sandman creator Neil Gaiman gives “zero f*cks" about Netflix casting “controversy”

DC Comics' Sandman is a long-celebrated graphic novel. As one of the bestselling graphic novels of all time, it's a wonder that there hasn't been a movie or TV adaptation. Well, for fans of the series, an adaptation is finally on the way, and some people are annoyed – as always.

Despite the aggrevation of social media users, creator Neil Gaiman has explained why the casting is the way it is. Essentially, people who are complaining haven't read the book and just want to whine about something. If only that was surprising.

Sandman casting makes people whine again

Netflix has announced 12 new members of the Sandman cast. Among the casting, Netflix announced that the role of Death is played by Black actress Kirby Howekl-Baptiste. The role of Desire is played by non-binary actor Mason Alexander Park.

This drew the ire of crowds who don't understand the original source material. As per usual, Twitter loudmouths exclaimed that Netflix was simply appeasing gender and race politics. Twitter users have an issue with a Black actress playing Death and a non-binary actor playing Desire.

In the source material, Death takes on multiple forms as the character has the ability to look however she likes. The comic version of Desire is an androgynous, genderless character; Netflix has only stuck to the source material.

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Neil Gaiman gives zero f*cks about Twitter whiners

Of course, Twitter users drew up a firestorm surrounding the comic book show. Users accused the creator of "selling out". Before now, the writer has never allowed an adaptation of Sandman as studios would've changed too much. In response to one Twitter user, the writer said:

“I give all the f*cks about the work, I spent 30 years successfully battling bad movies of Sandman. I give zero f*cks about people who don't understand/haven't read Sandman whining about a non-binary Desire or that Death isn't white enough. Watch the show, make up your minds.”

Netflix's Sandman will launch in 2022. The series was meant to release this year but it was hindered by, well, you know – COVID.

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