Robot Dog guards Pompeii ruins in technological dichotomy

The ruins of Pompeii are one of the most hauntingly beautiful monuments of humanity's past. For as long as the ruins have been used as a tourist attraction, technology has been installed to make it more accessible to the public. However, we don't think many expected the ruins to be patrolled by a robot dog.

The Robot Dog of Pompeii

In partnership with Boston Dynamics, infamous robot dog Spot has been sent to Pompeii to help with multiple aspects of the monument. While it may be weird at the moment, workers and tourists alike are now greeted to the daily assistance of a robotic canine patrolling the ruins.

Spot’s introduction to Pompeii is part of the site’s increased management of the area. This comes after UNESCO planned to add the area to the list of World Heritage Sites in Peril. Afterwards, the Italian government put more effort into the preservation of Pompeii.

As part of this initiative, Spot will patrol the ancient ruins to identify safety issues with the many aged structures. Additionally, the robot dog will be used to investigate underground tunnels created by tomb raiders who steal from the area.

Pompeii Park employees claim that the robot dog will be “gathering and recording data useful for the study and planning of interventions”. Additionally, the dog will help “improve both the quality of monitoring of the existing areas, and to further our knowledge of the state of progress of the works in areas undergoing recovery or restoration, and thereby to manage the safety of the site, as well as that of workers.”

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Technology meets history

The introduction of Spot isn't the only technological addition to the Pompeii Park in recent years. Prior to the robot canine, the administration used a drone-based 3D laser scanner to create detailed scans of the site.

However, Spot’s introduction to the Pompeii ruins should provide for more detailed, real-time information on the park’s most dangerous areas. Additionally, seeing a robot dog trod along the area is an adorable addition to the park… if a little dystopian.