Resident Evil 4 Remake's Separate Ways DLC adds more Ada Wong

resident evil 4 remake ada wong pointing a gun

resident evil 4 remake ada wong pointing a gun

Ada Wong is a series favourite. She has turned up at key moments over the decades to mysteriously help and hinder Leon Kennedy, and it seems like we're now set to get even more of Wong in Resident Evil 4 Remake DLC.

A known industry insider who goes by the name of 'Dusk Golem' took to ResetEra to give the community all the information they have on Resident Evil 4 Remake ahead of its launch.

"Yup, Separate Ways is down the line DLC. It'll be longer and more fleshed out than the original Separate Ways," Dusk Golem says. This is in response to ResetEra users speculating on whether the original game's DLC, which is called Separate Ways, will be present at launch.

Originally, Separate Ways was an added bonus for those who purchased the PS2 version of the game. The PS2 version came out later than the lauded GameCube version that launched the modern third-person Resident Evil games when Resident Evil 4 hit the Nintendo console in 2005.

Separate Ways has players take control of Ada Wong as they play through all the main events of Resident Evil 4, and it explores what the mysterious femme fatale got up to when she was off camera.

Details on just how much of a makeover Separate Ways will get when it gets added as DLC later down the line, but it's likely we'll get a more fleshed out version of what came before that possibly has new areas and revelations about the fan-favourite game.

More Ada Wong is never a bad thing though, right?