How to reset the TikTok algorithm

How to reset the TikTok algorithm

How to reset the TikTok algorithm

We know there is a way to reset your Instagram Explore feed, but can you do the same on TikTok? Can you reset your TikTok algorithm to tailor your recommendations? Yes, you can!

As the social media giant that it is, TikTok has plenty of content to go around. That's why it has an algorithm to help you find the latest TikTok trends and other videos you are more likely to enjoy.

Resetting your TikTok algorithm isn't all that complicated to do, so continue reading to find out how to do it!

How does the TikTok algorithm work?

TikTok will keep track of what type of videos you interact with while you are signed in. It will then take this data, look for similar types of content, and present it to you on your feed.

This isn't anything new since most, if not all other social media platforms each have their own algorithms. Let's take a look at some of the things TikTok can keep track of for its algorithm:

  • Liking, sharing, or commenting on a video
  • Watching a video until the end
  • Adding a video to your favourites
  • Following certain creators
  • Flagging a video with the "Not interested" option
  • Your location
  • The type of content you upload

Of course, how the algorithm actually works is much more complicated than this but you get the idea.

How to reset the TikTok algorithm

Resetting your TikTok algorithm will give you a fresh start on what the app will give as its recommendations. Follow these steps and you'll find that it's pretty simple to do:

  • Open your TikTok app.
  • Tap on the profile button on the bottom right of your screen.
  • Next, tap on the menus icon (the one with three lines) on the top right of your screen.
  • Go to "Settings and privacy".
  • From there, select "Free up space".
  • Tap on the "Clear" button when it shows up.

And that's it! Your TikTok algorithm has now been reset and you have a clean slate.

If you feel like you need further assistance with this, or if you have any additional problems that need solving, don't hesitate to contact TikTok Support.