RANDOM: Sony accidentally publishes a WEIRD testing game for PS4 and PS5

Sony is marching slowly, oh so slowly, towards announcing the release date and price of the PS5. It's not like Microsoft is going any faster with the Xbox Series X either.

Anyway, as we approach the next-gen, every tiny bit of info or small blunder is worth paying attention to. Sure, we're all hungry for official information, but if nothing comes out then we're just going to have to highlight these oddities.

Sometimes that means looking at Amazon leaks, sometimes it's data mining, and sometimes because Sony put a game up on the PSN Store.

In this instance, it's down to the latter and the title of that game is:

Whale Whale Whale, What do we have here

Yup, the title of the game is a marine life pun as shown off on Reddit. We're here for it, obviously, but it's not really a game.

In fact, it's not really anything other than them seemingly testing the ability to have PS5 and PS4 games on the same store.

One user was good enough to capture some footage of it and put it up on YouTube, and that's what you can see just below here. Spoilers: it's very dull and is clearly not actually a game… we hope.

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What does this mean?

There are a lot of potential implications from this little slip-up. For one, it seems to suggest that backwards compatibility could indeed be digital.

This makes sense when you factor in the diskless PS5, as physical only backwards compatibility wouldn't work with that at all for obvious reasons.

It could also mean we're actually closer to the launch of the PS5 than we realise. This kind of test would presumably be done on a test version of the store initially, which means we're approaching live testing, which means maybe we'll get a release date and price soon?

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