PS5 Smart Delivery: Will the PlayStation 5 have Smart Delivery like the Xbox Series X?

Microsoft has been heavily-consumer focussed for a while now, and Xbox Series X Smart Delivery is one of the key next-gen features which is designed to keep Xbox gamers happy. But will the PS5 have Smart Delivery to match?

Obviously Microsoft is still interested in making money, but things like Xbox Game Pass have long been proving that the company also cares about keeping its player-base entertained and enjoying themselves.

One of the biggest examples of this is the upcoming Xbox Series X Smart Delivery, a new feature which could well win Microsoft even more favour.

It's a feature that will mean you don't have to buy the same game twice to play it across Xbox generations, and you'll even be able to jump back and forth between your Xbox One and Xbox Series X to play the same game in different rooms of your house.

But, what is Smart Delivery, and should Sony adopt it for the PS5? Read on for all the essential info...

What is so great aboutSmart Delivery?

Smart Delivery is a new initiative from Microsoft which promises that you can "buy a game once and know that – whether you are playing it on Xbox One or Xbox Series X – you are getting the right version of that game on whatever Xbox you're playing on."

It basically means that you can buy a game for your Xbox One, then, if it comes out on Xbox Series X too, you'll be able to play it there as the Xbox Series X version. It's a lot like cross-buy in essence.

It's an impressive promise, and it means that anybody making purchases on the Xbox One will already have games for the Xbox Series X. But what about PS4 gamers that are eyeing up the PS5?

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Will the PS5 have Smart Delivery?

While Sony may not have come up with a fancy term for it, the PlayStation 5 will support upgrades from the PlayStation 4 to the PS5.

Many of the Smart Delivery titles currently announced are third-party games coming to both PlayStation and Xbox consoles, and so they will also offer free upgrades for PlayStation users.

The current list of confirmed upgradable games includes:

We don't know whether Sony plans to consolidate their upgrade service into a concise marketing term such as 'Smart Delivery' or 'Dual Entitlement', but if they do, we'll let you know.

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The other reason why Sony is not making Smart Delivery a key selling point of the PS5 is because of its PS5 exclusives.

Xbox confirmed that there would be no such thing as an Xbox Series X exclusive at launch, with games such as Halo Infinite coming to the Xbox One upon release, too.

This means that Xbox One players perhaps would have been wary of upgrading to the Series X if they had to buy these next-gen games again, after already playing them on the Xbox One.

This is not a problem for Sony, as they confirmed that PlayStation 5 titles will stay as PlayStation 5 titles. They will not be available on the PS4 when they launch.

Of course, PlayStation users will still want to play all of the latest PS4 games on the PS5, including Ghost of Tsushimaand The Last of Us Part II. Luckily, it appears the PS5 will support backwards compatibility for all of the best PS4 games!

READ MORE:Full list of Xbox Smart Delivery games confirmed