PS5 Media Remote Not Working - How To Reset The PS5 Media Remote If Not Connecting Or Pairing

ps5 media remote

ps5 media remote

The PS5 media remote is designed to work in place of a controller, to navigate your console and open media and apps. But what can you do if your media remote isn't pairing or connecting? Well, if you're experiencing these sorts of issues, you're in the right place for some answers. Here's how to reset the PS5 media remote.

How To Reset PS5 Media Remote

Resetting your media remote makes sense if you are experiencing issues with it conencting or pairing with your console. In these circumstances, the best thing to do is to delete the remote from your console, and pair it again, as if it were a new device. The steps are very straightforward to follow:

  • Go to Settings > Accessories > General > Bluetooth Accessories
  • This will give you a list of any connected devices.
  • Select the media remote and press delete.

Once you've done this, go through the process of pairing your remote once again. Just in case you need a reminder, here's how you do it:

  • Go to Settings Accessories Media Remote Set Up Media Remote, and follow the on-screen pairing instructions. For most people, this will be all you need to do. 
  • If for some reason the automatic pairing doesn’t work, select Set Up Manually and follow the on-screen instructions.

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Other Things To Consider

If you're finding that you are experiencing issues with your media remote for the first time, there are some other factors that are worth considering. If you've been using it without issues for a while, then it's possible that something as basic as dying batteries might be to blame. So try swapping those out, and see if that makes a difference.

Some users ahve also reported having issues potentially caused by a conflict with their DualSense controller. Try turning off your controller, to see whether your media remote starts working again.

If nothing seems to be helping, then, as ever, it's probably time to contact PlayStation Support directly for further advice and assistance. In most cases though, a simple reset by unpairing and repairing your PS5 media remote should do the job.

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