PS5 Error Code CE-118878-3 is something of a knotty problem. Lots of players have been affected by this particular error code of late, and seem to be struggling to find a definitive solution. We've pulled together the best advice we can find, to help you find a solution to this particular issue. Here is everything we can tell you about PS5 Error Code CE-118878-3, and how to fix it.
How To Fix PS5 Error CE-118878-3
At the time of writing, Sony is yet to list this in their (extensive) list of error codes on their support pages. Users have been growing understandably frustrated. Sony's support pages on Twitter have attempted to provide some solutions, however. Their recommendations for Error CE-118878-3 are as follows:
- Try rebuilding the database. To do this:
- Restart your console and put it into Safe Mode. To put it into safe mode, switch it off. Once it is off, press and hold the power button, wait until you hear it beep twice, and then release the power button. There is a seven-second gap between beeps. Connect your controller via USB, and press the PS button on the controller.
- Once you are in Safe Mode, select Option 5 - Clear Cache and Rebuild Database.
- Select Rebuild Database. This will scan the drive, and create a new database of all the content on the system.
- If this is unsuccessful, check that the region the content is linked to is compatible with the region the PSN network is associated with. If they are from different regions, there may be a compatibility issue.
Unfortunately, despite this being the official advice, some players are finding that they are still affected by Error CE-118878-3. Another potential solution is as follows:
- If your game is on an external hard drive, try transferring it to the internal hard drive on the PS5. If it's on the internal drive, then potentially try moving it to an external drive, and see if this helps.
At this point, there doesn't appear to be a cast-iron solution to fixing this error. There's a good chance that you might need to contact PlayStation Support for further advice and assistance. Hopefully, if enough people are contacting them, Sony will quickly investigate the problem and deliver a solution. But do we have any more insight into what might be causing Error CE-118878-3? Well, possibly.

What is PS5 Error CE-118878-3?
Sony hasn't listed this as an error on their support pages. In addition, this error seems to have cropped up after the most recent update to the PS5 from Sony. So there is a possibility that the error itself, is linked in some way to the update.
The error itself seems to happen when players are trying to download content. And it isn't linked to a specific game. Players have reported seeing this error on MK11, Fifa, Far Cry, Watchdogs, and others. The fact that it's so widespread suggests it is fundamentally linked to the PS5 system software. But beyond that? We're really starting to guess.
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Finding a fix for Error CE-118878-3 will hopefully be high on the PlayStation team's priority list. Until then, if the suggestions above don't work, then it's really a case of sitting tight and waiting.