PS5 controller motion controls confirmed: Which games will use the motion controls, and will the PlayStation 5's DualSense controller rival the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller?

Sony has officially revealed that the PS5 controller, known as the "DualSense", will have built-in motion controls. We weren't expecting that one!

"Motion controls" were mentioned during the PS5 reveal event live stream, alongside a brief clip of the DualSense PS5 controller being jiggled around. It wasn't much, but it was enough to get us thinking.

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Keep reading for our full thoughts on the confirmed motion controls in the PS5 DualSense controller...

PS5 controller motion controls explained

We don't yet know the full extent of these motion controls - will they make the DualSense a rival to the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and/or Joy-Cons? Only time will tell!

Certainly, having some motion controls in the DualSense PS5 controller will mean that this new controller has a bit more versatility than the PS4 DualShock 4 controller.

If you think of how the Switch Pro controller works - allowing players to shake, rotate or move a controller to control elements on screen - it's easy to imagine how a motion-controller PS5 controller could work.

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Which games will use the PS5 controller motion controls?

It's easy to imagine platformer games like SackBoy: Big Adventure coming up with cute ways to use motion controls.

At the same time, you can picture racing games like F1 2020 using motion controls as part of a core driving mechanic.

Also, big action adventure games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales could use the motion controls for little puzzles and hacking segments.

As it stands, though, all we have is speculation - we've yet to see the PS5 controller motion controls in action. As we hear more, we'll let you know!

READ MORE: Spider-Man Miles Morales PS5 game revealed