PS5 controller design: features, specs, colours, price and everything you need to know

Sony has officially revealed the PS5 controller - it's called the DualSense, and it's not just the name that's changed.

Unveiled in an official Sony blog, DualSense is the next-gen controller that will ship with the PlayStation 5 when Sony drops this new console later this year.

"Traditionally our base controllers have a single color,” Sony said in an official blog post.

“As you can see, we went a different direction this time around, and decided on a two-toned design."

They've also played around some of the positioning.

“We changed the position of the light bar that will give it an extra pop. On DualShock 4, it sat on the top of the controller; now it sits at each side of the touch pad, giving it a slightly larger look and feel.”

It certainly looks looks like the next natural step in the controller, with the ‘Share’ and ‘Option’ buttons are now icons; ‘Share’ is now ‘Create’, with more details on this promised (but not yet revealed) in the blog.

The pictures also seem to hint at a USB-C connection. And you can expect ‘haptic feedback’ and ‘adaptive triggers‘, which should let you ‘feel the dirt when driving’.

In terms of the PS5 controller price? That's a mystery, but we can expect upwards of around £50 at launch - so get saving. (Just our guess).

Exciting times are ahead, folks! And for more info about the PS5 controller, be sure to follow Stealth Optional's dedicated PS5 controller hub!