It's rare that a professional weighs in on the whole Xbox Series X vs PS5 thing, especially so far ahead of the release of either console.
It's even stranger when the said comment gets napalmed out of existence and the only thing remaining is the charred remains of any article that covered the comments.
Despite that, that seems to be exactly what has happened as a rendering engineer at Crytek did an interview about the next-gen of consoles.
Now, due to the nature of this particular string of comments, we're going to be linking to an article that is currently linking to a few non-existent places.
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PS5 is better than Xbox Series X?
After the comments were made, and then translated by someone on Twitter, everything got removed. It looks as though somebody broke an NDA of some sort, so you can assume that there has been at least a little bit of telling off involved.
So, as initially reported on Push Square, Crytek's Ali Salehi did an interview with a website called Vigiato, which is all in Persian.
A Twitter user called @man4dead then translated some of the comments from the interview, which included a few things about what other devs have said about the PS5, like how it "is the easiest console they have ever coded on to reach its peak performance."
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Salehi was also asked which of the two consoles he prefers working with and answered without any hesitation. "As a programmer, I say PS5 is much better, and I don't think you can find a programmer that could name one advantage that XSX has over PS5."

What happened to these comments?
There's more than a little hearsay involved in this, so forgive us for that. However, this is where things get a little more interesting.
The Twitter thread from @man4dead has since been taken down, but we know that Tweeter said this: "I must say that Ali Salehi doesn't confirm the content of the interview anymore due to personal reasons."
Not only that, but the interview seems to have been wiped from existence as well. This suggests that the interview was not meant to go live yet, or that Salehi simply said a lot of things he wasn't allowed to say due to legal reasons.
Read more: Xbox Series X vs PS5 specs
Non-disclosure agreements are commonplace in the gaming industry, and breaking one can lead to some hefty penalties. It's all very strange, but it's hard not to get a tiny bit more excited for the next-gen in the midst of all of this.