PS5 beep sound - how to mute or adjust the volume

How to mute or adjust the volume of the PS5 beep sound - An image of the PS5 console and controller

How to mute or adjust the volume of the PS5 beep sound - An image of the PS5 console and controller

With the upcoming system software update, Sony is finally granting users the option to mute or adjust the volume of the PS5 beep sound.

The PS5 produces distinctive beep sounds when powering on, turning off, and entering rest mode. While these audio cues are designed to provide feedback that the desired actions have been performed, some users may find them unnecessarily loud and annoying.

If you are one of those users, this guide will show you how to mute or adjust the volume of the PS5 beep sound, so you can tailor it to your preferences and gaming environment.

How to mute or adjust the volume of the PS5 beep sound

The latest PS5 system software update comes with new accessibility and audio options, including the ability to mute or adjust the volume of the PS5’s beep sound when turning it on or off, or putting it in rest mode.

To mute or adjust the volume of the PS5 beep sound:

  • Go to Settings > System > Beep Sound.
  • To adjust the beep sound volume, select Volume.
  • To mute the beep sound, turn on Mute Beep Sound.

With the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily mute or adjust the volume of the beep sound, and game without disturbing your partner or other people in the house.

Other features in the latest PS5 system software update

Alongside the audio option to mute or adjust the volume of the PS5 beep sound, Sony is introducing social features and UI enhancements.

Here is the list of features that will come with the latest update:

  • You can now shove an 8TB SSD in your PS5.
  • You can now assign a second controller to one account as an assist controller, and use two controllers to operate your PS5 console as if you were using a single controller.
  • You now have the option to turn on haptic feedback effects while navigating your PS5 with your DualSense controller, DualSense Edge controller, or PSVR 2 Sense controller.
  • 3D Audio powered by Tempest 3D AudioTech can now be enjoyed by those who own compatible Dolby Atmos-enabled HDMI devices such as soundbars, TVs or home theatre systems.
  • You can now invite a player to a closed party without adding them to the group or creating a new group. Also, players can send open or closed party invitations to groups, not just individual players.

These are just a few of the notable features introduced in the latest system software update. For the full list, be sure to check out the announcement blog by PlayStation.

PS5 beta rolls out today (July 31, 2023) for invited participants in select countries to test new features. If your PS5 system software update is stuck, we have some working solutions for you.